William - Testimonials

I would like to thank you for the promptness of your response and the excellent job on my garage roof. If you need references in the Hayfork area, please have your prospects call me, I am a truly satisfied customer.

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Alexandra Harbert
Kristin - Testimonials

I used to work for NMR Architects which is where I learned of your company and reputation. Recently, my in-laws needed an estimate for a new roof. They were pleased with the estimate and contracted you to do the work without a second estimate (I gave them your name).

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Theodore, Architect - Testimonials

It has been a pleasure for us to have Harbert Roofing on these projects for a number of reasons. Work has been performed in an exemplary fashion and completed well within scheduled completion dates. Take-offs have been thorough and accurate without any hesitation to ask questions for clarifications.

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Charles - Testimonials

I wanted to let you know that I can tell that your company cares about the quality of the work that you provide. Your work and attention to detail are obvious and I wanted to thank you for your work. The roof looks great and I am glad that I did the ridge vent.

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Bryce Harbert